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I focus group

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Titolo: <strong>I focus group</strong></br></br>
Autore: <strong>Vanda Lucia Zammuner</strong></br></br>
Editore: <strong>Il Mulino</strong></br></br>
Pagine: <strong></strong></br></br>
Anno edizione: <strong>2003</strong></br></br>
EAN: <strong>9788815084941</strong></br></br>

<p>Il focus group è un metodo qualitativo di ricerca che ricava le informazioni da una discussione approfondita di gruppo. Nell'ultimo decennio questo metodo è stato utilizzato sempre più frequentemente nelle ricerche sociali, essendo particolamente utile per indagare a fondo opinioni, atteggiamenti, motivazioni, comportamenti in ambiti sia accademici sia applicativi. Il metodo si adatta bene anche a ricerche complesse multimetodo con scopi esplorativi e di approfondimento. Il volume ne presenta, con molte esemplificazioni, gli aspetti operativi.</p>
<strong>Focus on the Family</strong> provides relevant Christian advice on marriage, parenting and other topics. Find practical resources for every age and lifestage.<br/><strong>How to Focus</strong>. Improving your <strong>focus</strong> can make you a better student or employee as well as a happier and more organized person. If you want to improve your <strong>focus</strong>, then <br/>02/02/2017 · The Trump administration wants to revamp and rename a U.S. government program designed to counter all violent ideologies so that it focuses solely on <br/>28/04/2009 · Formed in 1975, the <strong>group</strong> has vowed to carve out a separate Tamil state in Sri Lanka.<br/>International network of policy analysts and advocates that seeks to make the U.S. a more responsible global leader and global partner. Provides information and <br/>The third business level strategy is <strong>focus</strong>. <strong>Focus</strong> is different from other business strategies as it is segment based and has narrow competitive scope.<br/>30/03/2017 · FILE PHOTO: U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations NIkki Haley speaks in Washington, U.S., March 27, 2017. <strong>REUTERS</strong>/Joshua Roberts

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